Several months ago, Roger Freeman sent me a draft of an autobiographical story he’d been writing. A few drafts later, and getting past my own lethargy, I’ve published the writing on here as ‘Roger’s Story‘.
The story takes us from Roger’s school days and youth, his time in (and out of) Pigbag through to time in Italy, the boom of acid house and MDMA, and his adventures with Stephen Duffy in Dr Calculus. It finishes off with some, maybe a little “out-there”, conspiracy theories about the cosmic and human links between various topics, from Doctor Who, the KLF, Harry Potter and David Bowie…
Read and enjoy!
Michael Freeman
Dear Nigel, thank you so much for publishing our Little Bro’s musical memoirs.
When he sent us the original, we were all very engaged and entertained by his skillfully crafted and, often hilarious, anecdotes. Also, for us, significant gaps in his life have now been filled in. I do hope our dear, and hugely talented, sibling can gain some well-earned readership and recognition from this opportunity.
Thanks again,
Michael, Chris and Rick.